(Prof.Dr) Fizik Tedavi & Rehabilitasyon AD.
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Akademik Personel Bilgileri |
Adı |
Remzi |
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Profesör |
Doğum Yeri/Tarihi |
Üyesi Olduğu Dernekler |
-Türkiye Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Derneği -Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Uzman Hekimler Derneği -Romatizma Araştırma ve Savaş Derneği -Omurilik hastaları Derneği -Osteoporoz Derneği |
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Yabancı Dil |
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Lisans : Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 1993 İhtisas : Dicle Üniversitesi Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon 1998 |
Uzmanlık |
-Romatoid artrit - Spondiloartritler (Ankilozan spondilit) - Sistemik skleroz - İnfeksiyöz artritler -Osteoporoz -Bel ağrısı -Bölgesel ağrılar |
İletişim |
Görevleri |
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5. Gür A, Çolpan L, Nas K, Çevik R, Saraç AJ, Erdoğan F, Düz MZ. The role of trace minerals in the pathogenesis of postmenopausal osteoporosis and a new effect of calcitonin. Bone Miner Metab, 20(1), 39-43 (2002). 6. Geyik MF, Gür A, Nas K, Çevik R, Saraç AJ, Dikici B, Ayaz C. Musculoskeletal involvement in brucellosis in different age groups: a study of 195 cases. Swiss Med Wkly, 132, 98-105 (2002). 7. Soker Cakmak S, Cevik R, Aksunger A, Unlu K, Ava S. Ocular ochronosis: A case report and clinical findings. Acta Ophthalmol Scand, 80(3):340-2 (2002). 8. Gür A, Karakoç M, Erdogan S, Nas K, Çevik R, Saraç AJ. Regional serebral blood flow and cytokines in young females with fibromyalgia. Clin Exp Rheumatol, 20(6); 753-60 (2002). 9. Nas K, Aslan A, Ceviz A, Bilici A, Gür A, Kemaloğlu MS, Çevik R, Saraç AJ. Spinal cord compression by primary amiyloidoma of the spine: a case report . Yonsei Med J, 43(5), 681- 685 (2002). 10. Gür A, Karakoç M, Nas K, Çevik R, Saraç AJ, Ataoğlu S. Effects of low power laser and low dose amitriptyline therapy on clinical symptoms and quality of life in fibromyalgia: a singleblind, placebo-controlled trial. Rheumatol Int, 22, 188-193 (2002). 11. Gür A, Denli A, Nas K, Çevik R, Karakoç M, Saraç AJ, Erdoğan F. Possible pathogenetic role of new cytokines in postmenopausal osteoporosis and changes during calcitonin plus calcium therapy. Rheumatol Int, 22, 194-198 (2002). 12. Gür A, Karakoç M, Çevik R, Nas K, Saraç AJ, Karakoç M. Efficacy of low power laser therapy and exercise on pain and functions in chronic low back pain. Lasers Surg Med, 32 (3), 233-8 (2003). 13. Gür A, Geyik MF, Dikici B, Nas K, Çevik R, Sarac AJ, Hosoglu S. Complications of brucellosis in different age groups in Southeastern Anatolia of Turkey: a study of 283 cases. Yonsei Med J, 44 (1), 33-44 (2003). 14. Gür A, Denli A, Çevik R, Nas K, Karakoç M, Saraç AJ. The effects of alendronate and calcitonin on cytokines in postmenopausal osteoporosis: a 6- month randomized and controlled study. Yonsei Med J, 44 (1), 99-109 (2003). 15. Gur A, Nas K, Kayhan O, Atay MB, Akyuz G, Sindal D, Aksit R, Oncel S, Dilsen G, Cevik R, Gunduz OH, Ersoy Y, Altay Z, Ozturk C, Akkus S, Senocak O, Kavuncu V, Kirnap M, Tekeoglu I, Erdogan F, Sarac AJ, Demiralp L, Demirkesen A, Adam M.The relation between tooth loss and bone mass in postmenopausal osteoporotic women in Turkey: a multicenter study. J Bone Miner Metab, 21(1), 43-7 (2003). 16. Gür A, Çevik R, Nas K, Saraç AJ, Ataoğlu S, Karakoç M, Can A, Gürkan F. The ınfluence of duratıon of breastfeedıng on bone mass ın postmenopausal women at dıfferent age groups. Int J Clinical Practica, 57(2), 82-86 (2003). 17. Gür A, Nas K, Çevik R, Saraç AJ, Ataoğlu S, Karakoç M. Influence of number of pregnancıes on bone mıneral density ın postmenopausal women at dıfferent age groups. J Bone Miner Metab, 21: 231-241(2003). 18. Gür A, Cosut A, Saraç J, Çevik R, Nas K. Efficacy of different therapy regimes of low power laser in painful osteoarthritis of the knee: a double-blind and placebo-controlled trial. Laser Surg Med, 33, 330-338 (2003). 19. Nas K, Kemaloglu MS, Çevik R, Ceviz A, Necmioglu S, Bükte Y, Cosut A, Senyiğit A, Gür A, Saraç AJ, Özkan Ü, Kırbaş G. The results of rehabilitation on motor and functional improvement in spinal tuberculosis with complication. Joint Bone Spine 71(3): 181-4 (2004). 20. Remzi Çevik, Serda Em, Ali Gür, Kemal Nas, Jale Saraç, Leyla Çolpan. Sex and thyroid hormones status in women with rheumatoid arthritis: are there any effects of menopausal state and disease activity on these hormones. Int J Clinical Practica 58(4): 327-32 (2004). 21. Ali Gur, Remzi Cevik, Kemal Nas, Leyla Colpan, Serdar Sarac. Cortisol and hypothalamicpituitary- gonadal axis hormones in follicular phase women with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and effect of depression on these hormones. Arthritis&Research Therapy ,6(3), R232-8-Epub (2004). 22. Nas K, Gur A, Cevik R, Sarac AJ. The relationship between physical impairment and disability during stroke rehabilitation: effect of cognitive status. Int J Rehabil Res, 27(3), 181- 4 (2004). 23. Gur A, Sarac AJ, Nas K, Cevik K. The relationship between educational level and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. BMC Fam Med, 5,18 (2004). 24. Cevik R, Gur A, Acar S, Nas K, Sarac AJ. Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis hormones and cortisol in both menstrual phases of women with chronic fatigue syndrome and effect of depressive mood on these hormones. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 5, 47 (2004). 25. Cevik R, Nas K, Gur A, Ayyıldız O, Arica M. Small joint monoarthritis and pyoderma gangrenosum in newly diagnosed ulcerative colitis: an unusual presentation. J Clin Rheum ,10(6),30-62 (2004). 26. Gur A, Saraç AJ, Cevik R, Altındağ Ö, Sarac S. Efficacy of 904 gallium arsenide low level laser therapy in the management of chronic myofascial pain in the neck: a doublo-blind and randomize-controlled trial. Jaser Surg Med 35, 229-235 (2004). 27. Ali Gur, Leyla Coplan, Remzi Cevik, Kemal Nas, Aysegul Jale Sarac. Comparison of biochemical markers of bone remodelling in the assessment of the effects of alendronate and calcitonin on bone in postmenopausal osteoporosis: preliminary study. Clinical Biochemistry, 38, 66-72 (2005). 28. Gur A, Kemaloglu S, Cevik R, Sarac AJ, Nas K, Kapukaya A, Sahin H, Guloglu C, Bakir A. Characteristics of traumatic spinal injuries in south-eastern anatolia, Turkey: a comparative approach to 10 years experience. Int J Rehabil Res, 28(1), 57-9 (2005). 29. Colpan L, Gur A, Cevik R, Nas K, Sarac AJ. The effect of calcitonin on biochemical markers and zinc excretion in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Maturitas. 2005 Jul 16;51(3):246-53. 30. Gur, Sarac AJ, Burkan YK, Nas K, Cevik R. Arthropathy, quality of life, depression, and anxiety in Behcet’s disease: relationship between arthritis and these factors. Clin Rheumatol 2006 25: 524-531. 31. Gur A, Cevik R, Nas K, Sarac AJ, Ozen S. Quality of life young fibromyalgia patients and effect of depression. APLAR J Rheumatol 2006; 9: 70-78. 32. Cevik R, Bilici A, Gür A, Sarac AJ, Yildız H, Nas K. Effect of new traction technique of prone position on distraction of lumbar vertebrae and its relation with different application of heating therapy in low back pain. J Back Musculoskeletal Rehabil 2007; 20: 71-77. 33. Nas K, Bükte Y, Üstün C, Çevik R, Geyik MF, Batmaz İ. A case of brucellar spondylodiscitis involvement the cervical spine. J Back Musculoskeletal Rehabil 2009; 22: 121-123. 34. Ozgoçmen S, Ardıcoglu O, Kamanlı A, Kaya A, Durmuş B, Yıldırım K, Baysal O, Gur A, Karatay S, Altay Z, Cevik R, Erdal R, Ersoy Y, Sarac AJ, Tekeoglu I, Ugur M, Nas K, Senel K, Ulusoy H. Pattern of disease onset, diagnostic delay, and Clinical features in juvenile onset and adult onset ankliozan spondylitis. J Rheumatol 2009; 36: 2830-2833. 35. Cevik R, Bilici A, Nas K, Demircan Z, Tekin RC. Non-invasive evalation of vertebral artery blood flow in cervicalspondlosis with and without vertigo and association with degenerative changes. Clin Rheumatol 2010; 29: 541-546. 36. Baysal O, Durmus B, Ersoy Y, Altay Z, Şenel K, Nas K, Uğur M, Kaya A, Gür A, Erdal A, Ardıçoğlu O, Tekeoğlu İ, Çevik R, Yıldırım K, Kamanlı A, Saraç AJ, Karatay S, Ozgoçmen S. Relationship between psychological status and disease activity and quality of life in ankylosing spondylit. Rheumatol Int 2011 jan; 31(6): 795-800 37. Cevik R, Bukte Y, Nas K, Cevik FC, Kirbas G, Buyukbayram H. Oigoarticular tuberculous infection of the acromioclavicular and knee joints: an unusual manifestation and characteristic magnetic resonance imaging findings. Turkish Journal of Rheumatology 2011; 26(1): 61-65. 38. Bodur H, Ataman S, Rezvani A, Buğdaycı DS, Cevik R, Birtane M, Akıncı A, Altay Z, Günaydın R, Yener M, Koçyiğit H, Duruöz T, Yazgan P, Cakar E, Aydın G, Hepgüler S, Altan L, Kırnap M, Olmez N, Soydemir R, Kozanoğlu E, Bal A, Sivrioğlu K, Karkucak M, Günendi Z. Quality of life and related variables in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Qual Life Res. 2011 May;20(4):543-9. 39. Durmus B,Altay Z, Baysal O, Ersoy Y, Erdal A, Cevik R, Ardicoglu O, Tekeoglu İ, Yildirim K, Sarac AJ, Kamanli A, Karatay S, Nas K, Kaya A, Senel K, Gur A, Ugur M, Ozgocmen S. Can patient-reported outcome instruments determine disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis? Bratisl Lek Listy 2011; 112 (10):555-61. 40. Nas K, Çevik R, Batum S, Saraç A J, Acar S, Kalkanlı S. Immunologic and psychosocial status in chronic fatigue syndrome. Bratisl Lek Listy 2011; 112 (4): 208-212. 41. Nas K, Sarac AJ, Gur A, Cevik R, Altay Z, Erdal A, Ersoy Y, Kaya A, Tekeoglu I, Ugur M, Durmus B, Ardicoglu O, Senel K, Baysal O, Kamanli A, Karatay S, Yildirim K, Ozgocmen S. Psychological status is associated with health related quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil 2011; 24(2): 95-100 42. Batmaz İ, Karakoç M, Sariyildiz MA, Yazici S, Tahtasiz M, Atilgan Z, Çevik R, Nas K. Metabolic syndrome in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. J Endocrinol Metab 2011, 1(5): 215-219. 43. Ariturk Z, Dag S, Cevik R, Yüksel H, Yüksel M, Uçmak D, Oylumlu M, Dr. Batmaz I and Sarıyıldız MA. Reverse dipper pattern of blood pressure as an indicator of sympathetic over activity in patients with systemic sclerosis and its relation with serum asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) level. Int. Res. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 2012 2(12): 306-310 44. Budulgan M, Dilek B, Dağ SB, Batmaz I, Yıldız I, Sarıyıldız MA, Cevik R, Nas K Relationship between serum leptin level and disease activity in patients with systemic sclerosis. Clin Rheumatol. 2014 Mar;33(3):335-9. 45. Nas K, Karkucak M, Durmuş B, Ulu MA, Karatay S, Capkin E, Ulusoy H, Gülkesen A, Sula B, Akgöl G, Cevik R, Ozgöçmen S. The performance of psoriatic arthritis classification criteria in Turkish patients with psoriatic arthritis. Int J Rheum Dis. 2013 Oct 9. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.12158. [Epub ahead of print] 46. Tekin R, Kaçar E, Çevik FC, Çinar K, Çevik R. Intracranial and intramedullary tuberculoma with intravertebral abscess manifestation under anti-tuberculous treatment: a case report. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2013 Sep;115(9):1858-60. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2013.02.004. Epub 2013 Mar 5. 47. Sariyildiz MA, Batmaz I, Guli Çetinçakmak M, Yıldız I, Nas K, Çevik R. Relationship of the HLA-DRB1 alleles and seropositivity, anti-MCV, functional status and radiological damage in Turkish patients with rheumatoid arthritis.J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2013;26(1):63-70. doi: 10.3233/BMR-2012-00351. 48. Sariyildiz MA, Batmaz I, Budulgan M, Bozkurt M, Yazmalar L, Inanir A, Celepkolu T, Çevik R Sleep quality in patients with systemic sclerosis: relationship between the clinical variables, depressive symptoms, functional status, and the quality of life. Rheumatol Int. 2013 Aug;33(8):1973-9. doi: 10.1007/s00296-013-2680-9. Epub 2013 Jan 31. 49. Sariyildiz MA, Batmaz I, Inanir A, Dilek B, Bozkurt M, Bez Y, Karakoç M, Cevik R. The impact of ankylosing spondylitis on female sexual functions. Int J Impot Res. 2013 May;25(3):104-8. doi: 10.1038/ijir.2012.42. Epub 2013 Jan 10. 50. Ulu MA, Çevik R, Dilek B. Comparison of PA spine, lateral spine, and femoral BMD measurements to determine bone loss in ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatol Int. 2013 Jul;33(7):1705-11. doi: 10.1007/s00296-012-2632-9. Epub 2012 Dec 29. 51. Batmaz I, Sarıyıldız MA, Dilek B, Inanır A, Demircan Z, Hatipoğlu N, Atar M, Cevik R. Sexuality of men with fibromyalgia: what are the factors that cause sexual dysfunction? Rheumatol Int. 2013 May;33(5):1265-70. doi: 10.1007/s00296-012-2567-1. Epub 2012 Nov 4. 52. Batmaz İ, Sarıyıldız MA, Dilek B, Bez Y, Karakoç M, Çevik R. Sleep quality and associated factors in ankylosing spondylitis: relationship with disease parameters, psychological status and quality of life. Rheumatol Int. 2013 Apr;33(4):1039-45. 53. Karatay S, Yildirim K, Ugur M, Senel K, Erdal A, Durmus B, Baysal O, Altay Z, Sarac AJ, Gur A, Ardicoglu O, Kamanli A, Cevik R, Kaya A, Ersoy Y, Nas K, Ozgocmen S. Prevalence of atopic disorders in rheumatic diseases. Mod Rheumatol. 2013 Mar;23(2):351-6. 54. Sariyildiz MA, Batmaz I, Dilek B, Inanir A, Bez Y, Tahtasiz M, Em S, Cevik R. Relationship of the sexual functions with the clinical parameters, radiological scores and the quality of life in male patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatol Int. 2013 Mar;33(3):623-9. 55. Dağ S, Budulgan M, Dilek B, Batmaz I, Arıtürk Z, Nas K, Cevik R.Relation of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine and Cardiac Involvement In Systemıc Sclerosis. Acta Reumatol Port. 2014 Jul-Sep;39(3):228-235. 56. Yazmalar L, Batmaz I, Sarıyıldız MA, Yıldız M, Uçmak D, Türkçü F, Akdeniz D, Sula B, Cevik R. Sleep quality in patients with Behçet's disease. Int J Rheum Dis. 2014 Sep 8. 57. Ulu MA, Batmaz İ, Dilek B, Çevik R. Prevalence of osteoporosis and vertebral fractures and related factors in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Chin Med J (Engl). 2014;127(15):2740- 7. 58. Kılıç G, Kılıç E, Nas K, Karkucak M, Capkın E, Dağlı AZ, Cevik R, Ozgöçmen S. Comparison of ASDAS and BASDAI as a measure of disease activity in axial psoriatic arthritis. Clin Rheumatol. 2015 Mar;34(3):515-21. 59. Ilter L, Dilek B, Batmaz I, Ulu MA, Sariyildiz MA, Nas K, Cevik R. Efficacy of Pulsed and Continuous Therapeutic Ultrasound in Myofascial Pain Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2015 Jul;94(7):547-54. 60. Tekin R, Ceylan Tekin R, Ceylan Cevik F, Cevik R.Acute osteomyelitis of the symphysis pubis after inguinal hernia surgery. Case Rep Rheumatol. 2015;2015:845867. doi: 10.1155/2015/845867. 61. Batmaz I, Kara M, Tiftik T, Yildiz M, Çevik R, Özçakar L. Ultrasonographic Measurement of the Femoral Cartilage Thickness in Patients with Behçet's Disease. West Indian Med J. 2015 Mar 5;63(7). 62. Tekin R, Cevik R, Nas K. Noncontiguous multiple-level brucellar spondylodiscitis with an epidural abscess. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2015 Oct;48(5):638. 63. Tekin R, Avci A, Tekin RC, Gem M, Cevik R. Hydatid cysts in muscles: clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of this atypical presentation. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2015 Oct;48(5):594-8. 64. Tekin R, Ceylan Tekin F, Ceylan Tekin R, Cevik R. Brucellosis as a primary cause of tenosynovitis of the extensor muscle of the arm. Infez Med. 2015 Sep;23(3):257-60. 65. Nas K, Karkucak M, Durmus B, Karatay S, Capkın E, Kaya A, Ucmak D, Akar ZA, Cevik R, Kilic E, Kilic G, Ozgocmen S. Comorbidities in patients with psoriatic arthritis: a comparison with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Int J Rheum Dis. 2015 Nov;18(8):873-9. 66. Tanrıkulu O, Sarıyıldız MA, Batmaz İ, Yazmalar L, Polat N, Kaplan İ, Çevik R. Serum GDF-15 level in rheumatoid arthritis: relationship with disease activity and subclinical atherosclerosis. Acta Reumatol Port. 2017 Jan-Mar;42(1):66-72. 67. Nas K, Capkin E, Dagli AZ, Cevik R, Kilic E, Kilic G, Karkucak M, Durmus B, Ozgocmen S; Anatolian Group for the Assessment in Rheumatic Diseases (ANGARD). Gender specific differences in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Mod Rheumatol. 2017 Mar;27(2):345-349. 68. Verim S, Batmaz I, Yazmalar L, Nas HÇ, Çevik R. Serum levels of neuron-specific enolase in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: Correlation with cognitive functions, quality of life and psychological state. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2016 Jun 30. 69. Güngör E, Yildirim D, Çevik R. Evaluation of osteoporosis in jaw bones using cone beam CT and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. J Oral Sci. 2016;58(2):185-94. 70. Dilek B, Batmaz I, Sarıyıldız MA, Sahin E, Ilter L, Gulbahar S, Cevik R, Nas K. Kinesio taping in patients with lateral epicondylitis. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2016 Nov 21;29(4):853-858. |