(Prof.Dr) Fizik Tedavi & Rehabilitasyon
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LİSANS: Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İHTİSAS: Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı |
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YAYINLAR VE ESERLER ULUSLARARASI HAKEMLİ DERGİLERDE YAYINLANAN MAKALELER 1. Oktayoglu P, Mete N, Çağlayan M, Bozkurt M, Bozan T, Em S, Nas K. Elevated serum levels of calprotectin (MRP8/MRP14) in patientswithBehcet’sdiseaseanditsassociationwithdiseaseactivityandquality of life. Scand J ClinLabInvest. 2015 75(2):106-12 2. Caglayan M, Türkoğlu A, Oktayoglu P, Yıldız M, Dağlı AZ, Böyük A, Em S, Bozkurt M, Nas K. Evaluation of theincidence of haemorrhoidaldisease in patientswithankylosingspondylitis. ClinRheumatol. 2015 ;34(3):511-4 3. Oktayoglu P, Bozkurt M, Mete N, Caglayan M, Em S, Nas K. Elevated serum levels of calprotectin (myeloid-related protein 8/14) in patientswithankylosingspondylitisanditsassociationwithdiseaseactivityandquality of life. J InvestigMed. 2014 62(6):880-4 4. Oktayoğlu P, Uçmak D, Çağlayan M, Uçar D, Bozkurt M, Em S, Yazmalar L, Nas K. Is There An AssociationBetweenChronicUrticariaAndFibromyalgiaSyndrome? ArchRheumatol 2014;29(1):28-34 5. Caglayan M, Tacar O, Demirant A, Oktayoglu P, Karakoc M, Cetin A, Em S, Bozkurt M, Ucar D, Nas K. Effects of LumbosacralAngles on Development of LowBackPain. Journal Of MusculoskeletalPain 2014; 22(3): 251–55 6. Bozkurt M, Caglayan M, Oktayoglu P, Em S, Batmaz I, Sariyildiz MA, Nas K, Ucar D, Yüksel H, Sarac AJ. Serum prolidaseenzymeactivityandoxidativestatus in patientswithfibromyalgia. RedoxRep. 2014 ;19(4):148-53 7. Em S, Ucar D, Oktayoglu P, Bozkurt M, Caglayan M, Yıldız I, Evliyaoglu O, Nas K. Serum prolidaseactivity in benignjointhypermobilitysyndrome. BMC MusculoskeletDisord. 2014; 11;15:75 8. Bozkurt M, Em S, Oktayoglu P, Turkcu G, Yuksel H, Sarıyıldız MA, Caglayan M, Batmaz I, Nas K, Bozkurt Y, Kuyumcu M. Carvacrolpreventsmethotrexate-inducedrenaloxidativeminjuryandrenaldamage in rats. ClinInvestMed. 2014 1;37(1):E19-25 9. Bozkurt M, Yüksel H, Em S, Oktayoglu P, Yildiz M, Akdeniz D, Nas K. Serum prolidaseenzymeactivityandoxidativestatus in patientswithBehçet'sdisease. RedoxRep. 2014 Mar;19(2):59-64 10. Bozkurt M, Dağ S, Oktayoglu P, Em S, Yüksel H, Çağlayan M, Sarıyıldız MA, Batmaz I, Ucar D, Nas K. Serum prolidaseenzymeactivityandoxidativestatus in patientswıthsclerodermaActaMedicaMediterranea, 2014, 30: 127-32 11. Em S, Oktayoglu P, Bozkurt M, Caglayan M, Karakoc M, Ucar D, Verim S, Yildiz I, Sariyildiz MA, EvliyaogluO ,Nas K. Serum Relaxin Levels in Benign Hypermobility Syndrome. J BackMusculoskeletRehabil. 2014 (Baskıda) 12. Em S, Bozkurt M, Karakoc M Caglayan M, Akdeniz D, Oktayoglu P, Varol S, Nas K. Determining of life qualityandassociatedfactors in strokepatients. TurkishJournal of PhysicalMedicineandRehabilitation. 2014 (Baskıda) 13. Bozkurt M, Oktayoglu P, Em S, Caglayan M, Yuksel H, Ucar D, Batmaz I, Sarıyıldız MA, Karatoprak S, Nas K. Serum Coenzyme Q10 LevelsandOxidativeStatus in PatientswithFibromyalgiaSyndrome. Journal Of MusculoskeletalPain, 2014; 22(1): 27–32 14. Bozkurt M, Bodakci MN, Turkcu G, Kuyumcu M, Akkurt M, Sula B, Em S, Oktayoglu P, Batmaz I, Yüksel H. Protectiveeffects of carvacrolagainstmethotrexate-inducedlivertoxicity in rats. ActaChirurgicaBelgica. Baskıda 2014 15. Em S, Bozkurt M, Karakoc M Caglayan M, Akdeniz D, Oktayoglu P, Varol S, Nas K. Determining of life qualityandassociatedfactors in strokepatients. TurkishJournal of PhysicalMedicineandRehabilitation. 2015;61:148-54 16. Oktayoglu P, Nas K, Kılınç F, Tasdemir N, Bozkurt M, Yıldız İ. Assesment of the Presence of theCarpalTunnelSyndrome in PatientswithDiabetesMellitus, HypothroidismandAcromegaly. JCDR 2015;9(6):14-18 17. Çağlayan M, Tekin R, Oktayoglu P, Bozkurt M, Yıldız M: TreatmentMacrophageActivationSyndromewith Mini PulseCorticosteroidTherapy: A Case Report. Journal of Science. 2015; 5(2):90-2 18. Em S, Bozkurt M, Caglayan M, Cevik FC, Kaya C, Oktayoglu P, Nas K. Psychologicalhealth of caregiversandassociationwithfunctionalstatus of stroke Patients. Top StrokeRehabil. DOI 10.1179/1074935715Z.00000000060 19. Oktayoglu P, Tahtasiz M, Bozkurt M, Em S, Ucar D, Yazmalar L, Mete N, Nas K, Gezer O. Serum levels of highmobilitygroupbox 1 protein anditsassociationwithquality of life andpsychologicalandfunctionalstatus in patientswithfibromyalgia. Int J RheumDis. 2013;16(4):403-7 20. Oktayoglu P, Em S, Tahtasiz M, Bozkurt M, Ucar D, Yazmalar L, Nas K, Yardımeden I, Cevik F, Celik Y, Mete N. Elevated serum levels of highmobilitygroupbox protein 1 (HMGB1) in patientswithankylosingspondylitisanditsassociationwithdiseaseactivityandquality of life. RheumatolInt. 2013;33(5):1327-31. 21. Gur A, Oktayoglu P. Status of immunemediators in fibromyalgia. CurrPainHeadacheRep. 2008;12(3):175-81. 22. Gur A, Oktayoglu P. Central nervoussystemabnormalities in fibromyalgiaandchronicfatiguesyndrome: newconcepts in treatment. CurrPharmDes. 2008;14(13):1274-94 23. Uçar D, Em S, Bozkurt M, Oktayoglu P, Yüksel HK, Caglayan M, Gezer O, Nas K. Serum prolidaseactivity in ankylosingspondylitisandrheumatoidarthritis. ClinMedInsightsArthritisMusculoskeletDisord. 2013 Aug 4;6:29-33 24. Oktayoglu P,Cevik F, Tahtasiz M, Em S, Bozkurt M, Kapukaya A, Nas K. BilateralKneePainAssociatedwith Bone Infarction in a PatientwithBehcet'sDisease. Case RepRheumatol. 2012;2012:539310 25. Oktayoglu P, Em S, Tahtasiz M, Mehtap Bozkurt M, Ucar D, Karakoc M, Nas K. BiologicTherapies in JuvenileIdiopathicArthritis. (IJBCS). 2012;1(2): 56-68 26. Gur A, Oktayoglu P. Advances in diagnosticandtreatmentoptions in patientswithfibromyalgiasyndrome. Open Access RheumatolResRev. 2009;1: 193-209 27. Gur A, Oktayoglu P. Advances in biologicagentsforthetreatment of rheumatoidarthritis. AntiinflammAntiallergyAgentsMedChem. 2010; 9(1):24-34 ULUSAL HAKEMLİ DERGİLERDE YAYINLANAN MAKALELER 1. Oktayoğlu P, Gür A, Yardımeden İ, Çağlayan M, Çevik F, Bozkurt M Em S, Uçar D Nas K. Comparison of theEfficacy of PhonophoresisandConventionalUltrasoundTherapy in PatientswithPrimaryKneeOsteoarthritis. Erciyes Med J 2014 36(1): 11-8 2. Oktayoğlu P, Tekin R, Çağlayan M, Bozkurt M, Em S, Yıldız M, Uçmak F, Nas K.Assessment of HandFunctions in PatientswithChronicHepatitis B Erciyes Med J 2014 36(2): 58-61 3. Oktayoglu P, Aydınol B, Caglayan M, Bozkurt M, Nas K. ProtrüzyoAsetabulinin Nadir Bir Nedeni: Kollajen Tip 1 Alfa 1 Gen Polimorfizmi Zemininde Gelişen Osteoporoz. Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi 2014; 20:135-6 4. Tasdemir N, Karakoc M, Oktayoglu P. 'Şiddetli Saf Akut Motor AksonalNöropati: Olgu Sunumu. Erciyes Med J 2015; 37: 81-84 5. Bozkurt M, Göçmez C, Okçu M, Türkcü G, Em S, Oktayoğlu P, Uçar D, Nas K. Paraplegiaduetomissedthoracicmeningiomaafterlumbarspinaldecompressionsurgery: A casereportandreview of theliterature. Dicle MedicalJournal. 2014; 41 (1): 210-213 6. Oktayoglu P, Bozkurt M, Caglayan M, Verim S, Nas K. Investigation of PathergyInPatientswithFibromyalgia. Mustafa Kemal Üniv Tıp Derg. 2015; 6(21):1-5 7. Akdeniz D, Em S, Çağlayan M, Bozkurt M, Oktayoglu P, Karakoç M, Nas K. İnmeli Hastalarda Uyku Kalitesi ve İlişkili Faktörlerin Değerlendirilmesi. Fırat Med J. 2015; 20(2):86-91 8. Em S, Bozkurt M, Çağlayan M, Oktayoğlu P, Karakoç M, Nas K.Ankilozanspondilitlihastalardakomorbithastalıklarındeğerlendirmesi. Dicle Med J. 2014;41(4):662-66 9. Oktayoglu P, Tekeoglu İ. Juvenilidyopatikartritte tedavi ve biyolojk ajanlar. Sakarya Med J. 2011(3):76-85 10. Gür A, Oktayoglu P. Romatoidartritte erken tanı ve tedavi. Hipokrat Lokomotor. 2007; 11(43):820-29 11. Gür A, Oktayoglu P. Geriatrik hastalarda kırık sonrası medikal tedavi ve rehabilitasyon. Türkiye Klinikleri Ortopedi Travmatoloji (Geriatrik Ortopedi Özel Sayı). 2008; 1(2): 92-9 12. Gur A, Oktayoglu P. Ankilozanspondilit tedavisinde biyolojik ajanlar. Türkiye Klinikleri İmmunolojiRomatoloji Özel Sayı. 2011; 4(1):61-9 ULUSLARARASI SEMPOZYUM VE KONGRELERDE SUNULAN BİLDİRİLER 1. Okcu M, Oktayoglu P, Mete N,Bozkurt M, Çağlayan M, Nas K. A useful marker in assessment of remissionandactivation of disease in patientswıthRheumatoıdarthritis: serum humanneutrophilpeptides 1-3. AnnualEuropeanCongress of Rheumatology (EULAR) 8-11 June 2016 London 2. Oktayoglu P, Mete N, Kaya H, Çağlayan M, Bozkurt M, Nas K. Elevated serum levels of calprotectin (MRP8/14) in patientswithsystemicsclerosis. XV MediterraneanCongress of Rheumatology 28-31 August 2014 İstanbul, Turkey 3. Aydın F, Çağlayan M, Bozkurt M, Oktayoglu P, Em S, Yildiz I, Nas K. Therelationshipbetweendiseaseactivityandvisceralfat in patientswithrheumatoidarthritis. XV MediterraneanCongress of Rheumatology 28-31 August 2014 İstanbul, Turkey 4. Cavas H, Oktayoglu P, Verim S, Em S, Çağlayan M, Bozkurt M, Yildiz I, Çevik R, Nas K. Assessment of Serum S100 protein levels in patientswithfibromyalgia. XV MediterraneanCongress of Rheumatology 28-31 August 2014 İstanbul, Turkey 5. Em S, Bozkurt M, Oktayoglu P, Caglayan M, Akdeniz D, Kaya C, Yıldız İ, Nas K. Is psychologicalstate of caregiverone of thefactorsthataffectseverity of disabilitythatthestokesurvivor has? 8th World Congress of NeuroRehabilitation. 8-12 April 2014 İstanbul, Turkiye 6. Çağlayan M, Tekin R, Oktayoglu P, Bozkurt M, Okçu M. AdultStill’sdiseaseaccompaniedwithreactivehemophagocyticsyndrome. The 5th EuroasiaCongress of Infectiousdiseases 15-18 May 2013, Tirana,Albania 7. Oktayoglu P, Tekin R, Ucar D, Çağlayan M, Em S, Bozkurt M, Yazmalar L, Çevik F, Nas K. Assessment of handfunctions in patientswithchronichepatitis B. The 5th EuroasiaCongress of Infectiousdiseases 15-18 May 2013, Tirana,Albania 8. Oktayoglu P, Çağlayan M, Bozkurt M, Em S, Ucar D, Yazmalar L, Mete N, Nas K, Gezer O. Serum levels of highmobilitygroupbox 1 protein anditsassociationwithquality of life andpsychologicalandfunctionalstatus in patientswithfibromyalgia. AnnualEuropeanCongress of Rheumatology (EULAR) 12-15 June 2013 Spain 9. Bozkurt M, Oktayoglu P, Ucar D, Em S, Çağlayan M, Yüksel H, Batmaz İ, Sarıyıldız MA, Nas K. Serum Coenzyme Q10 LevelsandOxidativeStatus in PatientswithFibromyalgiaSyndrome. AnnualEuropeanCongress of Rheumatology (EULAR) 12-15 June 2013 Spain 10. Em S, Oktayoglu P, Çağlayan M, Karakoç M, Ucar D, Bozkurt M, Mete N, Sarıyıldız MA, Nas K, Yıldız I. The role of relaxin in benignhypermobilitysyndrome. AnnualEuropeanCongress of Rheumatology (EULAR) 12-15 June 2013 Spain KİTAP BÖLÜM YAZARLIĞI 1. Gür A, Oktayoglu P. Romatoidartritte laboratuvar bulguları. Romatoloji. Ataman Ş. (ed) Nobel Kitabevi Ankara 2011:499-505 2. Oktayoglu P, Nas K. İnflamatuvar bel ağrıları. Tanıdan tedaviye bel ağrıları. Şendur ÖF (ed) Akademi Yayınevi, İstanbul 2013:139-47 KİTAP BÖLÜM ÇEVİRİ 1. Nas K, Oktayoglu P. Lyme Hastalığı. KelleyRomatoloji. Arasıl T (çeved). Güneş Kitabevi, Ankara, 2006:1635-45 |