f ertas1

(Prof.Dr.) Kardiyoloji

{tab Kişisel Bilgiler}


1991-1997     High School: Adapazari Ali Dilmen Anatolian High School, Sakarya, Turkey

1997-2003     Medical School: Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine, Diyarbakir, Turkey

2005-2009     Cardiology Residency: Katip Celebi University, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Cardiology, İzmir, Turkey

Job Experience and Academic Positions:

2003- 2008    Cardiology Residency: Katip Celebi University, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Cardiology, İzmir, Turkey

2009-2011     Cardiology Staff: Kızıltepe State Hospital, Mardin, Turkey

2011-2014     Assistant Professor of Cardiology: Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Diyarbakır, Turkey  

2014-             Associate Professor of Cardiology: Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Diyarbakır, Turkey  

{tab Özgeçmiş}


{tab Yayınlar}

Reviewer (International Journal):

European Journal of Endocrinology

Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis

Journal of Clinical and Experimental  Hipertension

Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis

The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology

European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences.

Editorial Board:

Journal of Cardiology and Therapy

Clinical Medical Sciences

Membership in Scientific Committee:

Turkish Society of Cardiology

European Society of Cardiology

European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions

European Acute Cardiovascular Care Association


Course for Transosefageal echocardiography, Kosuyolu Heart Hospital, 2007

Good clinical practices, training meeting, Dicle University, 2011

Research planning and scientific paper writing course, Dicle University, 2011

Certificate of experimental animal use, Dicle University, 2012

Certificate of achievement EF Standart English Test, Cambridge, 2015

Certificate of completion Edwards SAPIEN XT THV course, İstanbul, 2016

Certificate of completion CoreValve Evolut R THV course, Athens, 2016

Certificate of completion Symitis Accurate-Neo THV course, Germany,2016

Certificate of completion carotid intervention course, Turkey, 2017

Certificate of completion EVAT-TEVAR course, Turkey, 2017

Certificate of completion periferal intervention course, Turkey, 2017


  1. Medical Faculty First Prize, 2003
  2. The best oral presentation award: Turkish Society of Cardiology, 28th National Congress of Cardiology, 2012
  3. The best of Faculty of Medicine: Dicle University, Academic Performance Evaluation and Rewarding Program, 2012
  4. TKD-Zentiva The best interventional cases award: Turkish Society of Cardiology, Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions, 2012
  5. TKD Professor. Dr. Remzi Ozcan, The best of Encourage Young Researcher award: Turkish Society of Cardiology, 29th National Congress of Cardiology, 2013
  6. Akademik performans award: Dicle University, 2013
  7. The best of Faculty of Medicine: Dicle University, Academic Performance Evaluation and Rewarding Program, 2013
  8. Dr. Umit Aker- TKD Archive,The best of article award: Turkish Society of Cardiology, 30th National Congress of Cardiology, 2014
  9. Academic honor award: Turkish Medical Association,Diyarbakır, 2014

Main Interest:

İnvasive Cardiovaskuler interventions

Peripheral artery interventions

Valvular and structural heart disease

Percutaneous interventional therapy of congenital heart diseases

Atrial fibrillation: epidemiologic study (AFTER)

COMMANDER Study (Heart failure)

ACS-GEMİNİ Study (Acut coronary sendrom)

JOURNAY-HF Study( Heart failure)

Board Certification:

Turkish Board for Accreditation in Cardiology, Turkish Society of Cardiology, 2014





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Misyon ve Vizyonumuz

Hasta, hasta yakını ve çalışan odaklı, çağdaş tıbbi etik ilkelerini benimseyen, Sağlıkta Kalite, Akreditasyon, Verimlilik, Mükemmellik ve Yönetim sistemleri standartlarına uygun ve katılımcı yönetim anlayışı ile bütüncül bir sağlık hizmeti sunmaktır.
"Halka Hizmet, Hakka Hizmettir" anlayışıyla, Sağlıkta Kalite, Akreditasyon, Verimlilik, Mükemmellik ve Yönetim sistemleri standartları çerçevesinde, sürekli bilgi ve teknolojisini yenileyebilen, Ülkemizde ve komşu ülkelerde güvenle anılan bir referans hastane olmaktır.

Temel Değerlerimiz

• Hasta, Hasta Yakını ve Çalışan Önceliği,
• Çalışanların aidiyet duygusu, dayanışması ve motivasyonu,
• Eğitim ve Gelişimde Süreklilik,
• Ölçümlere Dayalı Hizmet Planlaması ve Üretimi,
• Kaynakların Etkin Kullanımı,
• Önyargısız Yaklaşım, kalıcı güven
• Bilimsel ve Etik Kurallar,
• Katılımcılık, etkinlik ve etkililik.


  • Adres: Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastaneleri
    Başhekimliği, Kampüs, Sur, Diyarbakır, Türkiye 21280
  • Randevu: 0850 480 21 21
  • Santral: 0850 480 21 00
  • Faks: 0 412 248 85 23
  • E-Posta: hastane@dicle.edu.tr
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